Sparkling Life Coach Podcast

Movement & Metamorphosis for a Healthier Life

Sparkling Life Coach Season 1 Episode 18

EPISODE 018 - Movement & Metamorphosis for a Healthier Life

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Are you ready to break free from your cocoon and spread your wings? This week, we explore the profound power of movement as the catalyst for personal metamorphosis. Discover why movement isn't just about burning calories or hitting the gym—it's about finding joy in motion and nurturing your body, mind, and spirit.

Ready to transform your life through movement? Don’t miss out on this enlightening episode! Tune in now and start your journey towards a healthier, happier more sparkling you.
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Movement & Metamorphosis for a Healthier Life

·        What's holding you back from embracing a more active and vibrant lifestyle?

·        Have you ever wondered if there are natural remedies that can support your journey to more movement and less pain? 

·        And what if the key to your transformation is as simple as moving your body in ways you enjoy?


In this episode, we explore the profound power of movement as the catalyst for personal metamorphosis.

Are you ready to transform your life through movement? Tune in now and start your journey towards a healthier, happier, more sparkling you. Welcome to the Sparkling Life Coach Podcast.

Hello, Sparkling One. I'm Dee Diaz, your host, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, and your partner in wellness, here to get you moving toward a healthier, happier you. Today's episode is all about movement, the kind that keeps us vibrant and energized. I want to invite you to embark on a journey of transformation with me.

Picture yourself as a caterpillar, cocooned in the safety of your comfort zone. But deep down, you know there's more to life than just staying still. Movement is the catalyst for change, the gentle nudge that urges you to break free from your cocoon and spread your wings. Just as the caterpillar transforms into a butterfly through movement, so too can you undergo a profound transformation in your life.

So, we'll be exploring the transformative power of movement on our health and well-being.

Now, have you ever stopped to think about why we move, or perhaps why some of us don't move as much as we should? Transformation isn't always easy, right? It requires courage, resilience, and a willingness to embrace the unknown. Just as the caterpillar must struggle to emerge from its cocoon, it’s good when we face our fears and doubts head-on, especially when we're starting something new.

But fear not, Sparkling One, we're here to guide you. Together, we'll spread our wings and soar to new heights, leaving behind the limitations of the past and embracing the boundless possibilities of the future. So, what does this journey of transformation look like in practical terms? 

It starts with movement. Movement of the body, of the mind, and of the spirit. Just as the caterpillar hinges its way along its path, so too we must take small intentional steps toward our goals. Movement is not just about burning calories, or hitting the gym, or sweating it out on the treadmill. 

It's about finding joy in motion, whether it's dancing in your living room, or perhaps it's as simple as taking a leisurely stroll in nature. It's about nurturing our body, mind, and spirit. There's a Doctor of Medicine from Oklahoma, Dr. Kenneth H. Cooper. He pioneered the benefits of doing aerobic exercise for maintaining and improving health.

He famously said, “Exercise is Medicine”. And as we'll learn today, it really is the key to unlocking a healthier, happier, more sparkling you. Now let's start by quickly taking a look at the Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid. We've been reviewing it in the past few episodes. In Episode 16, we discussed the foundational pillar of Nutrition.

And in Episode 17, we discussed Digestion. As I mentioned previously, it's like a roadmap to holistic health with movement as one of its foundational pillars. Just like building blocks in a Jenga tower, our health relies on a solid foundation, and movement is one of the cornerstones that keeps it all standing tall. So, today we're focusing on the movement half of the movement and metabolism block.

We'll be covering Metabolism in our next episode. It's all about proactive, natural ways of addressing root concerns. Temporary or superficial solutions, yeah, no, those aren't enough. The lifestyle choices we make each day are the foundation of our wellness. Our body is generally a reflection of our lifestyle, so it's a good thing to occasionally do a self-assessment.

What are your current feelings about exercise? What was your last physical activity? Did you enjoy it? Does exercise or moving more feel overwhelming? These are great questions to ask ourselves and even journal about so that we have a gauge of where we're beginning so we can monitor our progress. 

Now let's talk benefits. What does movement do for us? Movement gives us so much more than just toned muscles and a healthy heart. From strong bones to a sharp mind, movement is the secret sauce that keeps us ticking.

It's movement that gives us healthy joints, strong bones, physical strength, good circulation, including cardiovascular circulation. Good coordination and reflex reactivity, improved learning skills and concentration, and even mental well-being. Without it, we would deteriorate. We'd be like wilted flowers instead of vibrant blossoms.

And the best part, there's no one size fits all approach. Whether you're mowing the lawn or mastering a yoga pose, every little bit counts. 

But here's the thing, we all hit roadblocks on our wellness journey, right? Even the fittest among us have days when the couch seems a lot cozier than the yoga mat. And that's okay!

So, what's holding you back? When it comes to your own health and fitness level, what's holding you back from moving your body and embracing a healthier lifestyle? Maybe it's a lack of motivation, or simply not knowing where to start. Is your time limited? Are you feeling discomfort when you move, or do you have a lack of energy?

These are all valid reasons, aren't they? 

You know, even the most elite athletes struggle to motivate themselves from time to time. The important thing is to not beat yourself up over it. The key is to be kind to yourself, dust off those sneakers, and take one step at a time. No, literally, take one step at a time. Remember, every step forward is a victory.

Forward is forward. Progress is progress, no matter how small. Whether you're going on a walk, playing with your kids, or simply taking the stairs instead of the elevator, getting up and down during commercial breaks 

 I don't mean to walk to the fridge, though. Even household chores that require activity. Things like vacuuming, laundry, dishes, stretching, Qigong, riding a bike. Every little movement counts. So, let's explore some simple ways to incorporate movement into our daily lives.

And I'd love to hear from you. We have a new feature on the podcast where if you're listening to us on your mobile phone through Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to your podcasts, you can click the link in the show notes to send us a text message. So please tell us what you're doing to incorporate movement into your daily life and include your first name so I can shout you out. I look forward to sharing your ideas on the next episode.

One thing I like to use is the 50/10 rule. It's a simple yet powerful tool to keep you moving throughout the day. For every 50 minutes of sitting, you're going to reward yourself with 10 minutes of movement.

Building in a 10-minute break every hour is going to help you avoid burnout. It's going to reduce distractions. It's going to help you digest new information, and it typically helps you be more productive during designated work time. Give it a try. There are so many things that you can do in just 10 minutes.

Are you feeling productive? Start a load of laundry. Do the dishes. Whip up a quick healthy meal or snack. 

If you're feeling energetic, take your furry friend for a walk. I'm sure they'll appreciate that. Or have a Qigong session. Do an ab circuit, planks, or lose yourself in the rhythm of your favorite song and Dance.

If you're feeling Zen, do some Zen-like gentle stretches, or do a 10-minute meditation or breathing exercise. Think of it like hitting the refresh button. It's a win-win keeping your body and mind energized, sharp, focused, and ready to conquer whatever life throws your way. So, tell me, if you could move more freely, what would you do? 

Now, while we often associate sore muscles and joints with exercise and recreational sports, it is also possible to feel tightness in the body after sitting for too long. Many of us spend our days at a desk, sitting behind a computer screen without moving for long periods. Sitting, typing, and hunching over a computer for hours can leave you feeling uncomfortable at the end of a long day.

When those inevitable aches and pains rear their head and those long hours at your desk leave you feeling like a creaky robot, no worries, I've got something for you. That's when I like to turn to nature's remedy. I use dōTERRA’s Deep Blue products containing Certified Pure, Tested-Grade essential oils. With its comforting and cooling blend of essential oils, Deep Blue provides instant relief for tired muscles and joints, keeping you on the move without skipping a beat.

This heavenly blend of essential oils is like a spa day in a bottle, offering instant relief to tired muscles and weary souls. It's a powerful essential oil blend that offers immediate soothing effects. It's also popularly used as an after-sports massage. And I love the 8 essential oils that combine synergistically to create this powerful blend.

It includes Blue Chamomile, Camphor, Peppermint, Ylang Ylang, Helichrysum, Blue Tansy, and Osmanthus. These essential oils provide rejuvenating benefits and soothing comfort to the shoulders, the back, the knees, the legs, and feet. It also contains Wintergreen essential oil as a key component, and this is an amazing essential oil for supporting bones, cartilage, joints, and muscles. 

Another favorite from this product line is the Deep Blue Stick. This is infused with dōTERRA Deep Blue Soothing Blend, plus the beneficial properties of Copaiba Essential Oil. This stick provides natural, powerful, targeted relief in a fast-acting solid that's perfect for minor aches and pains of muscles, arthritis, sprains, strains, and bruises. And I love this new stick form because it's easy to use and mess-free. It's a great on-the-go remedy for all your aches and pains. It's like having a personal masseuse in your pocket, ready to melt away tension and restore your inner harmony.

And the packaging is worth mentioning too because it's made from post-consumer recycled materials. Another favorite supplement I use is the Deep Blue Polyphenol Complex. The specialized patent pending frankincense extract in the complex supports muscle and joint comfort. It goes well with extracts of ginger, curcumin, resveratrol, and other polyphenols that soothe occasional aches and discomfort.

Polyphenols are natural water-soluble antioxidants and can come from a variety of sources. The polyphenols in this complex are from green tea, red wine, and grape and pomegranate juice. 

And let's not forget about the power of the turmeric dual chamber capsules. Turmeric extract is considered one of the best nutritional supplements in existence because it contains curcuminoids.

Curcuminoids help your body fight free radicals and protect against oxidative damage in your cells. Turmeric extract is known for its ability to help your body maintain a healthy inflammatory response at the molecular level. The dual chamber capsule is essentially two capsules in one. It's specially designed to be able to deliver both an oil and a non-oil, like an extract, in the same capsule without compromising one or the other.

This is done by keeping the oil and the non-oil in separate chambers within the one capsule. 

dōTERRA is the first to combine Turmeric essential oil and Turmeric extract in a dual chamber capsule. By combining the delivery of both the extract and the oil together, the effectiveness of each is maximized. And then there's Copaiba essential oil with its fast and direct bonding to CB2. 

Beta caryophyllene is a powerful constituent of Copaiba with the potential to support well-being in a variety of ways. Try taking Copaiba orally to support a healthy inflammatory response. Interestingly, Copaiba and CBD work within the same biological system, so people naturally want to compare them, but it's not really a fair comparison.

Copaiba has benefits that can't be achieved with CBD. And when it's used daily, Copaiba helps you live a longer and healthier life with greater periods of homeostasis, or balance.

 Then there's the divine dōTERRA Breathe blend. Clear, easy breathing can be impaired by air pollution, seasonal concerns, bad posture, feelings of stress, smoking, environmental threats, lack of exercise, and other aspects of everyday life. But essential oils can help promote feelings of clear airways and ease respiratory discomfort so that you and your family can breathe easily year-round.

So I love using dōTERRA Breathe Essential Oil because it's wonderful for maintaining feelings of clear airways. It's a beautiful blend made up of Laurel Leaf, Eucalyptus, Cardamom, and Ravintsara essential oils.

And so it provides a natural solution to help minimize the effects of seasonal threats too. When I feel like I want open airways, I just rub dōTERRA BREATHE on my chest and on the bridge of my nose. And as an extra tip for those of you who sleep with snorers, you might want to rub this on their chest when they lay down at night. And let me know if it helps. 

These natural wonders are like superheroes for your well-being, swooping in to save the day and keep your body humming with vitality. 

Now, if you've listened to any of my previous episodes, or been present at any of my webinars, masterclasses, or workshops, then you've probably heard me speak on the importance of Nutrition. If you missed the other episodes in this Wellness Lifestyle series, you might want to go back to Episodes 14, 16, and 17.

And make sure to subscribe so you're notified of the upcoming episodes in this Wellness Lifestyle Pyramid series. Our next one will be on Metabolism. If you're struggling with lack of energy, sleep, weight, mood, stress, and cognitive clarity, then you'll want to tune in to this upcoming episode on Metabolism. So now, let's talk a bit more about nutrition and how that affects our energy. While many factors can influence our energy levels, energy production typically begins in our cells. Many of us may blame our lack of energy or vitality on getting old. However, it is possible to help our cells efficiently produce chemical energy to keep our energy levels high. All energy is produced in microscopic cellular structures known as the mitochondria. Mitochondria combines oxygen and food molecules to produce chemical energy.

As we get older, we usually experience a decline in the number of mitochondria in our cells, which means that less chemical energy is being produced. 

With a lack of chemical energy coming from our cells, we typically experience decreased vitality and energy. 

So, while yes, our energy levels can be influenced by the aging process, it is possible to help protect our mitochondria and cells so that they can continue to produce energy efficiently. By providing the body with antioxidants, we can protect our cells from threats that may lower their ability to produce chemical energy.

We can also support healthy production of cellular energy by giving the body nutrients that are useful for energy production. 

That's why I love the dōTERRA Lifelong Vitality Supplement Kit. This includes three products that have been specifically formulated to provide the body with antioxidants, to support immune health, to promote healthy energy levels, and to give the body proper nutrients that might be missing from our diet.

The food we use as fuel for our cells matters just as much, which is why dōTERRA also offers high-quality Protein, Fiber, and a Greens supplement. If you want to learn more about those, please check out the last two episodes.

Now, I know what you're thinking. I'm constantly talking about dōTERRA’s products, but I'll tell you why. What sets dōTERRA apart from the rest is all about their unwavering commitment to purity and integrity. Every drop of essential oil and all their products undergo rigorous testing to ensure quality and potency. And they have a deep-rooted commitment to make the world a healthier, happier place, one drop at a time. It's this dedication to excellence that makes dōTERRA a leader in the wellness industry. 

From sourcing the finest ingredients to rigorous testing and ethical business practices, dōTERRA is paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future for all of us. And so, these are the products that I've learned to trust for my holistic health and that of my family because I've personally experienced how effective they are in naturally supporting our health and wellness. And so, I have no qualms about sharing them with my clients too. Plus, I have such a busy schedule so I'm always looking for shortcuts and health hacks to help me on my wellness journey. And these products provide this for me. 

So, where do you start?  It's simple. Start small but start today. Every step counts, whether it's a daily walk or a moment of mindfulness. 

And surround yourself with the tools and support you need to thrive. A great place to start is to continue to listen to this Podcast. I know, shameless plug, but here is where we dive into the wonderful world of holistic health, nutrition, and essential oils, tips, tricks, and recipes. And if you're looking to kickstart your wellness journey, start by adding dōTERRA’s Healthy Habits Kit to your wellness toolbox, so you'll have the tools you need to embrace the sparkling life you deserve.

In addition, if you'd like to try any of the products I mentioned in this episode, check out the link in the show notes, which will provide you with a 25 percent discount on any of dōTERRA products when purchasing through the provided affiliate link. 

Thanks for joining me on this journey of Movement and Metamorphosis. Let's break out of our cocoons, spread our wings, and soar to new heights, leaving behind the limitations of the past and embracing the boundless possibilities of the future. Remember, the power to transform your life is in your hands.

Even the smallest movement can create ripple effects of change in your life. So, take that first step and let the journey begin. 

Think of your body as a sacred vessel of light and love. Treat it with kindness, nourish it with movement, and watch as your sparkle shines brighter than ever before. 

Until next time, Sparkle On and Don't Forget to Sprinkle a Little Sparkle Everywhere You Go. Ciao! 

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