Sparkling Life Coach Podcast

Detox and Thrive

Sparkling Life Coach Season 1 Episode 12

EPISODE 012: Detox and Thrive Masterclass - An Easy Guide to Cleansing for Optimal Health
FREE Detox and Thrive eBook (includes Cleanse and Restore protocol):
Are you ready to break free from fatigue and embrace boundless energy? Tune in to our latest episode for an easy guide to detoxifying and thriving!  

You'll discover:

  • How to shed toxins, boost your immune system, and reignite your zest for life.
  • The profound connection between inner health and outer vitality, exploring the impact of toxins on our well-being.
  • The sources of toxins and how to support our body's natural detoxification processes.
  • Practical strategies for minimizing our toxic load and enhancing our overall health.

Ready to kickstart your journey to better health?  Download our episode eBook for a comprehensive guide to the 30-day cleanse protocol and unlock exclusive discounts on the Cleanse and Restore Kit.  You'll also join the waitlist for our upcoming Cleanse and Restore Challenge, providing additional support and accountability. 

Don't wait any longer—embrace the transformative power of detox cleanses and start living your sparkling life today!


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Detox and Thrive - An Easy Guide to Cleansing for Optimal Health



The content on this episode is for general educational purposes only & is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration or any regulatory authority. This Podcast does not provide medical advice. Use your discretion, seek professional advice for specific health concerns, and consult with a qualified healthcare professional before making any changes to your diet, lifestyle, or health practices.


Are you feeling sluggish and weighed down? Do you want to look and feel your best from the inside out? Well then, it's time to hit the reset button and say goodbye to fatigue and hello to boundless energy with our tips and tricks on detoxifying and thriving. In this episode, you'll learn my favorite easy way to cleanse your body for optimal health.

Welcome to the Sparkling Life Coach Podcast.

Hello, Sparkling One. Welcome to this week's Detox and Thrive episode. I'm Dee Diaz, your Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and guide on this journey to wellness, vitality, and the sparkling life you deserve. 

Today, I hope to ignite your passion for living your best life as we discuss the world of detox cleanses. But before we learn more about this rejuvenating practice, let's take a moment to reflect on the profound connection between our inner health and our outer vitality and how that could impede us from enjoying a sparkling life. 

Imagine waking up each day with boundless energy, a radiant glow, and a zest for life that's simply infectious. That's the essence of the sparkling life we're all striving for, isn't it? You see, Sparkling One, true wellness radiates from within. It's not just about what we put into our bodies, or what we eat, or how often we hit the gym. It's about nourishing ourselves on every level. Mind, body, and spirit. From the inside out. And that's where detox cleanses come into play. They're like a reset button for our entire being, helping us rid our body of toxins, boost our immune system, and reclaim our natural state of vibrant health. 

And a crucial aspect of this holistic approach to health is minimizing our toxic load because toxins are all around us, lurking in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the beauty products we use on our bodies, or the cleaning supplies we use in our homes.

And the thing is, many of us have no idea what's lurking beneath the surface. We're exposed to an overwhelming level of toxins that are not recognized by our body and that can wreak havoc on our overall quality of life. So, our goal should be to live as nature intended by learning how to replace toxins with natural products that will purify our mind, our body, and our spirit.

Fortunately, there are simple yet powerful ways to support our body's natural detoxification processes and reclaim our radiant vitality. And that's what we're going to discuss in today's episode. 

Let's start by understanding what exactly toxins are and how they impact our health. You see, a toxin is any substance that causes harm or places undue stress on the body. These substances that accumulate within the body and place a burden on our vital organs are referred to as toxic load. 

Did you know that the average person is exposed to over 700, 000 different toxic chemicals on a daily basis? Yeah, wow, right? We're exposed to countless toxins every day, with everything we do, and from sources that we might not even be aware of, whether it's from environmental pollutants, processed foods, or even everyday stressors.

It's no wonder our bodies sometimes need a little extra support in the detoxification department. Pathogens, chemicals, and radiation are three of the most common categories of toxins. So, what are they? 

Well, pathogens are microbial agents such as bacteria, fungi, or viruses that invade the body and cause infection or disease.

Chemicals are any natural or synthetic substance that can cause harm to the body. Common examples of chemicals are ingredients in processed foods such as artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers, things like automobile exhaust, cigarette smoke, solvents, plastics, pesticides, and harsh cleaning products.

We're surrounded by chemicals everywhere we go, whether it's coming from the fabric on the couch where we sit, the carpet in our homes, or the sheets that we sleep on at night. We're exposed to chemicals everywhere. 

And then, there's radiation. Radiation refers to high-energy particles that can cause harm to our cellular structures and our DNA. The most common sources of radiation are sunlight, cell phones, microwaves, and having Wi-Fi around us all the time, especially now that 5G is so prevalent.

Every breath, every bite we take, every minute we stand under the sun and every chemical that we come in contact with while cleaning our home, natural or synthetic, exposes us to substances that can either negatively or positively impact our health. And when these toxins accumulate within our bodies, they can wreak havoc on our vital organs.

They can compromise our overall health and well-being. And our lungs, our digestive tract, and our skin are the most vulnerable pathways. So, a question I'm often asked is, how do I know if my body is over-inundated with toxins? That's a great question. 

So, a good way to determine this is if you're experiencing something recurring with your health. In other words, no matter what you try to do to support your condition or ailment, it keeps coming back. Things like head tension, rashes, acid reflux, maybe our inability to sleep at night, that sort of thing.

But here's the good news. We're blessed to have been wonderfully created. Our body has several different defensive mechanisms whose purpose is to protect these vital body systems. It starts with the mucous membranes that line our nose, our mouth, and our throat and trap foreign particles. Then, inside our digestive tract, we have trillions of microorganisms that reside there.

You've probably heard of them, Probiotics, also known as good bacteria or friendly bacteria. These probiotics help maintain digestive efficiency and support our immune system's ability to respond to toxic threats. And then we have the liver and the kidneys. They serve to identify and eliminate toxic substances from the blood. When all these systems are functioning properly, our body is a very efficient toxic load-minimizing machine. 

So then, the question is, how do we maintain these protective mechanisms and internal organs? Well, the key is threefold. We need to minimize our exposure to toxins, we need to support our vital organs, and we need to have protective processes in place through a healthy diet and regular detoxification.

So, it's in our power to minimize our toxic load and support our body's natural detox process. That's why my intention today is to share with you how we can reduce our toxic load in those three ways. We're going to discuss how we can avoid toxic exposure? How to support our body's defensive functions, and how we can support our body's elimination functions. And then, I'll share with you the easy system I use to cleanse my body.

So, let's begin with how we avoid toxic exposure. This one is so difficult, right? Because as I mentioned, toxins are everywhere. But here's the key. Becoming mindful can go a really long way. There are always protective barriers that we can use, such as gloves or masks, when we're in public or highly polluted areas.

But this is often difficult, isn't it? And most people will feel funny if they take this strategy too far. Although, this is not as rare as it used to be, right? I'm sure you still see people walking around with masks on even today. And why some gas stations are still providing gloves or paper towels at their pumps.

And this is one reason why I recommend using essential oils as partners of prevention. They're one potent tool in our wellness arsenal. These pure extracts from nature's bounty offer a multitude of benefits for our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Essential oils have been demonstrated to positively affect our environment.

For example, diffusing essential oils not only fills our home with delightful scents, but it also helps cleanse the air of indoor pollutants, like those found in air fresheners and candles. Diffusing essential oils in the home or the work area, if it's permitted, is a great preventative measure that will help clean the air.

And remember, if you're using Certified, Pure, Tested Grade essential oils, then just a few drops of essential oil will go a very long way. If you're new to the use of essential oils and would like to learn more about them, please check out Episode Two here on the podcast, Essential Oils Made Easy, where you'll learn the basics of essential oils and their benefits. 

Now, our skin is the largest organ of our entire body, and it's constantly consuming everything that it touches, even harmful toxins. And so, I love using doTERRA products in this case, too. They have an entire line of skin, hair, and body care products that have superior ingredients and performance.

We're also fortunate to have OnGuard natural cleaning and laundry products that are free from harsh chemicals. These simple yet impactful choices in our everyday lifestyle make a significant difference in reducing daily toxic load. So, make sure you're checking the ingredients on your personal care products. 

I also like to encourage my clients to consider washing their produce with doTERRA's Lemon essential oil by adding it to water combined with vinegar and baking soda to reduce harmful contaminants from pesticides and such that might be on the produce. 

But that's a topic all on its own that we'll talk more about in an upcoming episode on Green Cleaning. So, if you haven't yet, make sure to subscribe to the Podcast so you don't miss any of these important upcoming topics. 

Now let's touch on how cleansing and detoxification can support our body's defensive functions. As I'm sure you know, the main function of the body's gastrointestinal tract is to absorb nutrients from the food we eat and then to excrete waste products.

So, the body has to be able to distinguish usable substances from harmful toxins, right? But how does the body know the difference? The GI tract. The GI tract is what serves as a selective barrier that strictly regulates absorption and prevents toxins from entering the blood and lymphatic systems. In other words, the GI tract serves as an exit pathway for those toxins.

And listen carefully here because this is extremely important. The lack of nutrient absorption has the potential to compromise our immune system, our mood, and our brain function.

The reason why I'm emphasizing this is that many people suffer with their health. They feel crazy because they try everything and nothing seems to improve their situation. This very well could be the result of nutrients that aren't being absorbed by the body.

And I want you to know that there is a better way to live. If our gut isn't functioning well, then our entire system is going to suffer. Our digestive system is home to trillions of bacteria, which are collectively called microflora. The majority of these bacteria reside in the large intestine, but some are also found throughout the rest of the digestive tract. 

As I mentioned, these friendly bacteria provide several health benefits. They aid in digestion, they help protect us against harmful microbes, they produce vital nutrients, they break down indigestible substances, and they support our immune functions.

So, you can understand why it's so important to keep the digestive system healthy. And it's essential to have a diverse population of friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. The challenge is that various lifestyle factors can harm these bacterial colonies. So, it's crucial to minimize exposure to these threats so we can preserve the health of the gut's microflora.

What kind of lifestyle factors threaten microflora? It could be traveling, antibiotics, refined carbs, things like white flour, white bread, white rice, and pasta. Sugar is also a big culprit. yeasty foods, immune-suppressing drugs, artificial sweeteners, even mercury fillings, and acid-blocking medications. The fact that the natural enzymes in our food have been decreasing for years now is also a factor.

And also, the fact that as we age, the hydrochloric acid in our stomach decreases. This is the main component of our stomach acid, which is naturally produced to help us digest our food. So, all of these physical stressors, toxin exposure, unhealthy diet, travel, and antibiotics can all harm the friendly microflora or promote harmful strains and low-oxygen environments.

If the microflora population becomes compromised, it can lead to various health issues. So, another good question is, how can I tell if my microflora is compromised? Well, this can probably be a whole episode all on its own, but here are some signs that you may have poor gut health. It could be digestive issues like gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and heartburn.

Maybe sleep problems or fatigue, mood swings, high stress, low mood, or anxiety. If you get frequent colds or infections. These are just a few of the things to keep an eye on that might clue us in that we have poor gut health. 

Now on to the third area of focus, optimizing elimination.  I mentioned that our body's detox system involves organs like the liver, the kidneys, and the colon. as well as the skin, lungs, and GI tract. So, supporting these organs is crucial. Starting with making sure that we have proper elimination pathways. Our body has primary and secondary chimneys through which it moves waste.

But we'll often run into a challenge when the primary chimneys have been neglected. Neglecting primary pathways can overload our secondary ones, like the skin. which would then cause issues. So, if you're noticing skin problems, it may be an indication of poor elimination elsewhere. That's when we should ensure that our intestines and urinary tract are functioning well so we can reduce the burden on our elimination pathways because then this is going to set the stage for effective detoxification.

Okay, so what is a cleanse? A cleanse is very simply a health regimen designed to remove toxins from our bodies. As I mentioned, we often don't realize how many toxins we're exposed to daily. But They've infiltrated our food, our cleaning products, our beauty supplies, and a variety of other items that are being used by all of us every day.

And that's why sometimes people experience negative effects from toxin overload without knowing the cause. So, my intention is to share with you the plan that I use to cleanse my life and keep it toxic free to the best of my ability, of course, in the hopes that it can help you too.

First, why is cleansing so important? Well, we kind of began to talk about this already so you can understand why Detoxing is gaining popularity cause people are starting to realize that their health is affected by toxins. 

As we've been discussing, our body accumulates more toxins than its natural detox system can handle. Chemicals from pesticides, chlorine bleach, ammonia, and carbon monoxide, those can build up and potentially lead to disease. 

Improving our health is important, but without cleaning up our environment, we may not be fully benefiting from our healthy choices. So, while consuming organic, non-GMO food, drinking purified water, and using quality supplements are definitely essential, a body that's filled with accumulated junk won't absorb these benefits.

That's how a bi-annual spring cleaning of our body can address our immediate detox needs and support our vital organs. So, first of all, recognizing our toxic load is crucial, and using the right products is essential for a successful detox. Different detox methods exist, such as juice or smoothie cleanses, water fast, or intermittent fasting. I've tried them all and we'll be discussing those types of cleanses on a later episode. 

But today, I'm going to share my favorite cleansing system, which I use to cleanse and restore my body at least twice a year. 

When I had more health challenges, I did them more often, like once a quarter. But now that my health has improved so much and I've been behaving and taking care of myself, then once or twice a year seems to be more than enough. So, I wanted to share this with you because it's been so effective for me and so many of my clients. But here's the thing. Detox Cleanses aren't one size fits all.

It's vital to choose one that suits your needs, your preferences, and your lifestyle. I'm going to discuss what's worked for most of my clients, but ultimately, you know what's best for you, and you'll adjust the detox and the frequency based on your health needs and your lifestyle, right? 

So, I'm going to quickly outline the items in the system that I use and recommend, and I'll also share the details about an upcoming cleanse challenge that I'll be having.

Stay tuned for more information about this at the end. If you've been following along on this podcast, you've probably noticed I often talk about doTERRA. They're a trusted partner that I work closely with and recommend to my clients because I personally trust their products for myself and my family.

So today I'm going to share about the doTERRA Cleanse and Restore System. 

This cleanse includes supplements and essential oils that support toxin removal while providing essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

This can boost immunity jump start weight loss if that's what you're after. And even increase your energy. What I love about doTERRA's cleanse and what sets it apart is its simplicity. Unlike other cleanses I've tried, there's no chugging juices, there's no enduring fasts or strict meal plans. It seamlessly fits into our lives and is a great option that helps when life gets busy. 

Although, as a nutrition health coach, of course, I'm going to encourage you while you're on the cleanse to be mindful of your food choices. Lean more towards whole food options because you wouldn't want to be putting the culprits back into your body as you're trying to cleanse, right? Spring cleansing is an effective way to support our organs, and doTERRA's Cleanse and Restore Kit offers a 30-day regimen to reduce toxic load naturally.

Now, I hear you. You might be thinking, 30 days? Yes, 30 days, but it's designed for a gentle, gradual detox. It's simple and easy to incorporate into your routine. So, stick with me and let's dive in.

As our body detoxifies from daily chemical exposure, it depletes its nutrient reserves and requires additional nutritional support. The more toxins we're exposed to, the greater our need for nutrients like copper, iron, zinc, and magnesium, which provide specific health benefits. If these nutrients are lacking, our body won't function properly, so supplementation can ensure we get enough vitamins, minerals, and nutrients to support overall function and effective toxin cleansing. That's why doTERRA created the Lifelong Vitality Pack. Each blend in the LLV Vitamin Pack contributes to optimal health. 

Secondly, a healthy digestive system is crucial for overall well-being. While eating whole, unprocessed food is beneficial, Sometimes the body needs extra support. So GX Assist is a blend of essential oils and caprylic acid designed to cleanse the digestive system and support its optimal function. It supports natural detoxification by creating an unfriendly environment for toxins that are in the digestive tract.

GX Assist combines Oregano, Tea Tree, Lemon, Lemongrass, Peppermint, and Thyme essential oils to purify and cleanse the digestive tract, potentially improving internal microbial balance. Caprylic acid, which is derived from coconut oil, has a long history of supporting digestive health and contributes to creating a healthy digestive environment.

Ideal for both annual digestive cleanses and monthly maintenance, GX Assist supports a healthy digestive environment. So, take one to three capsules a day for 10 days each month, and this is going to help promote digestive wellness. 

Now, after completing the required days of GX Assist, you're going to follow up with 10 days of PB Restore ProBiome formula. This is going to support the growth and promote a positive balance of that friendly beneficial bacteria we spoke about. That's essential for overall health and wellness. While doTERRA PB Restore supports our body's overall microbiome, PB Assist Plus targets gut and digestive health specifically.

When used together, PB Assist Plus and PB Restore capsules provide a total of 37 probiotic strains along with pre and postbiotics and bacteriophages, totaling 43 bioactive components. So, why is this important? Because a diverse microbiome is a healthy one.

So, adults may choose to combine both supplements daily for enhanced diversity and health support. Each PB Restore ProBiome Complex Capsule contains 18 billion active live cells at the time of use. doTERRA PB Restore utilizes a patented encapsulation technology with an inner and an outer capsule to ensure the delivery of the 30 bioactive components to the digestive system.

The outer capsule contains prebiotic FOS. postbiotics, and bacteriophages, while the time-release inner capsule houses the 29 probiotic strains. This unique double-layer capsule technology protects the bioactive cultures from the stomach's harsh environment, delivering their benefits to the intestinal tract.

I know, I'm geeking out here, but how cool is that? So, in other words, because it’s double encapsulated, the ingredients are protected from our stomach acids until they're able to arrive where our body needs them to work. 

Cells are fundamental to all living organisms, right? They're what dictate bodily functions. Unfortunately, our cellular functions can deteriorate over time, and things like poor nutrition, a sedentary lifestyle, stress, toxin exposure, and other unhealthy habits can speed up the deterioration. And then once it starts declining, it can disrupt the growth and regeneration of our cells, which is going to impact negatively on our overall health.

The next part in the system we'll discuss is DDR Prime Cellular Complex. This combines Certified Pure, Tested Grade Frankincense, Wild Orange, Lemongrass, Thyme, Clove, Summer Savory, and Niaouli Essential Oils to offer potent antioxidant support for cellular health, function, and vitality. 

Very simply, just add a few drops daily to a drink or a veggie capsule to shield against oxidative stress and bolster normal cellular functions. Frankincense and Wild Orange essential oils aid in maintaining a healthy response to free radicals, while Clove provides robust antioxidant properties. Niaouli and Thyme support cellular immunity and overall cellular health, with Summer Savory boosting the body's natural oxidative defenses. Additionally, the Lemongrass essential oil offers protection against environmental threats. So, this is a powerhouse supplement. 

Next, let's talk about Zendocrine Detoxification Complex. This offers whole food extracts in an enzyme delivery system to support the liver, the kidneys, the colon, the lungs, and the skin's cleansing and filtering functions.

This complex contains 14 active whole food extracts, including Milk Thistle Seed, Psyllium Husk, and Safflower Petals, which target specific cleansing organs and provide protective functions for the body. To enhance the absorption of whole-food extracts, Amylase, Cellulase, Magnesium Yeast, and Manganese Yeast are included. Because proper absorption is crucial for nutritional supplements to effectively fulfill their roles. 

For optimal results, you're going to also want to use the Zendocrine Detoxification Blend Softgels, alongside the Complex supplement. 

These softgels also contain Certified Pure Tested Grade essential oils of Clove, Grapefruit, Rosemary, and Geranium. It supports the body's cleansing of vital organs such as the kidneys, the lungs, the skin, the colon, and the liver. All you have to do is take one to two softgels to promote healthy liver function and kickstart your new lifestyle.

Zendocrine also provides potent antioxidants to combat free radicals that can slow bodily functions, leaving you feeling heavy and sluggish. Now, if you're wondering what free radicals are, they're unstable molecules that can harm cells in the body. They're highly reactive and can cause oxidative stress, which is associated with aging, inflammation, and diseases like cancer and heart disease.

These molecules are produced naturally during metabolism, but they can also come from sources like pollution, UV radiation, smoking, and an unhealthy diet. Antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, reducing their damaging effects on the body. So, we definitely don't want those in our body. 

Then there's Lemon essential oil. It's especially known for its purifying properties. It supports digestion when it's ingested, and it's as simple as adding a drop to your water or tea to enhance healthy digestion. Flavoring your water can help you drink more, which also helps with detoxification.

And last but certainly not least is doTERRA enzymes. This contains 10 active enzymes which are often lacking in cooked, processed, and preservative-laden foods. These enzymes aid in digesting proteins, fats, complex carbohydrates, sugar, fiber, and other nutrients. Terrazyme also eases the burden on the body's digestive system, which frees up the resources for the production and activity of metabolic enzymes promoting optimal functioning.

In addition to that, it can also provide targeted support for specific food intolerances, such as lactose intolerance. You take one to three vegetable capsules with meals throughout the day. If your meal consists mainly of fresh raw foods, one capsule is going to be sufficient. For meals containing highly processed cooked foods or items known to cause gastrointestinal discomfort, you're going to take two to three capsules.

Any adjustment to your digestive schedule should typically resolve within a few days. In other words, if you are having trouble processing bowel movements, you'll probably notice this resolved within a few days. 

Now, I realize that that was a lot of information. Do you feel like I turned a fire hose on you?  I know, right? This turned out to be like a free Detox Masterclass.

So, if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed, no worries. I got you! This video and audio will be available for you to watch or listen to again, and I'm going to include timestamps if you just want to jump to a particular part. And make sure to check the show notes for the link to my episode eBook.

There you'll find the whole 30-day cleanse protocol, along with the explanations for all the items in the Cleanse and Restore system. If you're interested in trying out the Cleanse and Restore system, I'll also include my affiliate link, which will unlock 25 percent off on the kit, as well as on all products for a year, though there's no obligation to purchase anything further.

Oh, and bonus, if you order the Cleanse and Restore kit, you'll also receive a free Pebble Diffuser as a gift with purchase.

Now, it doesn't matter to me whether you start with one oil or this kit. All that really matters is that you get started with what's best for your wellness journey.

But if you're ready to kickstart your journey to better digestive health and detoxification, if you want to look and feel your best from the inside out, and you're ready to say goodbye to fatigue and hello to boundless energy, then I encourage you to start by incorporating this 30-day detox cleanse so you can experience the transformative benefits firsthand.

The key is to approach it with an open mind, a spirit of curiosity, and a willingness to embrace the journey. Don't wait any longer, take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today. 

And for those of you who do better with an accountability partner, I'm planning a Cleanse and Restore Challenge soon. So, in addition to the eBook, everyone who downloads it will have the opportunity to be added to the waitlist and receive information on the upcoming cleanse. Deal? 

So, Sparkling One. Thank you so much for joining me today because I love helping others achieve their health and wellness goals. As we wrap up today's episode, remember the sparkle doesn't end here. Let's keep the wellness conversations going by joining our community. I encourage you to continue to learn and explore the transformative power of detox cleanses and discover firsthand the power of living a sparkling life from the inside out.

Don't forget to subscribe for more holistic health and wellness content, and I hope you'll share your thoughts, experiences, and questions with me. Perhaps we'll cover it in a later episode or on the Facebook group. 

Until next time, Sparkle On, and Don't Forget to Sprinkle a Little Sparkle Everywhere You Go.


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